Rolladen Rolling Shutter Manufacturers are running at record production levels, as evidenced by statements made recently by people who should know.

“I’ve been with Rolladen for 12 years and I‘ve never seen it so busy this time of year,” said company product supervisor Vince Cockeram. “Normally, we pick up big-time in late May or early June, but we’ve been busy since January this year.”
Cockeram said the majority of the shutters he and his crew have been making have been for residences, although orders for businesses have picked up dramatically during the past 60 days.
“We’re hearing that burglaries have really increased this year in both residences and businesses,” Cockeram said. “Because of that, we’ve had to increase the size of our crew.”
While the workload has increased, the Rolladen crew has been able to maintain the pace necessary to deliver the shutters after each residence or business has been custom measured.
A key part of the production of the shutters is the fact that the entire crew sincerely believes in Rolladens.
Rolling Shutter Manufacturers

“Rolladens work and that’s a fact,” Cockeram said. “They are built with quality material which we work with every day.”
Rolladen Rolling Shutters use foam-filled aluminum slats to cover doors and windows. They lower power consumption as much as 64 percent and also protect against fading of furniture, draperies and carpeting while also blocking the wind, heat and cold.
Offered locally first in 1984 by Fran Minnozzi, Rolladens have been in Europe for more than 100 years.
“I’ve even had customers tell me they like the shutters because they don’t have to wash their windows as often,” added fabricator Kurt Denning, who has been with the company for three years. “Rolladen is a wonderful product. With the challenges we have with our climate here, it’s no wonder everyone wants them.”
Rolladen’s craftsmen have drawn praise from company management.
“Every one of our orders are custom made by very talented craftsmen,” explained Rolladen vice president Bianca Minnozzi. “Our people are top-notch and we’re very thankful to have them.”
Rolladen’s newly remodeled showroom is located at 4405 Wagon Trail Ave. in Las Vegas and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Click here for map and directions.